0333 577 2323 info@alignclinics.co.uk

Flat Head Syndrome Treatment

Also known as cranial head remoulding.  A custom made helmet or band is worn by the little one and gently channels all growth correcting the asymmetry and improving the overall head shape.


Flattening on the side of the head.  Associated movements include a shift forwards of the ear and a bossed forehead on the same side as the flattening.


Flattening to the back of the head.  Associated movements include a bossed or prominent forehead, flexed temporal lobes (Above the ears), a reduced neck line at the back of the head and a wider than normal head shape.


Flattening to both sides of the head.  Associated movement include a prominent forehead, a prominent occiput and a narrow head shape.


Specialising in acute injury management, pre and post operative treatment as well as injury prevention.  We cover all the major insurance companies and accept private or self referrals.

Biomechanical Assessment

Using state of the art RsScan force plate analysis, a full analysis of the forces and pressures are recorded and explained as well as a full objective assessment.  Orthotics, braces, techniques, exercises, postural advice can all be given if required.

Bracing and Support

Working alongside the world leaders in bracing and support for functional and compressive braces as well as braces for osteoarthritic or soft tissue ligament stability on all joints.

Biomechanical and Gait Analysis

Biomechanical and Gait Analysis

Align Clinics provide the highest quality Biomechanical Assessments in allowing individuals, athletes, teams and professionals to undertake a complete spinal and lower limb assessment and objective gait analysis using state of the art technologies; RS Scan Foot scan and Quintic Analysis.

Biomechanical Assessment and Gait Analysis can be used to diagnose injuries and secondary compensations, treat biomechanical abnormalities, improve posture, treat and prevent injuries, and to provide objective screening for the professional sporting teams and individuals.

From the results of the Biomechanical Assessment Custom made carbon fibre Orthotics can be presrcibed and manufactured.

The Clinical Specialists at Align Clinics have succesfully screened and treated players from Sunderland Football Club, British Badminton players, Gwent Dragons Rugby Team, GB Wrestling team, Welsh football players, Welsh Rugby Players and a number of Olympic Athletes.

RSscan Footscan
The footscan provides the Clinical Specialists at Align Clinics with objective quantifiable static and dynamic data regarding the specific movement of each individuals gait pattern. When walking, your foot is in contact with the ground for approximately 0.8 seconds, when running this is reduced to 0.25 seconds. This movement, any joint or ligament instability, muscle imbalance or compensated movments would be impossible to see with even the most experienced Clinicians naked eye.

Using the Footscan during a biomechanical assessment, itprovides the Clinician with comprehensive data demonstrating the exact movement, pressure and force throughout the gait pattern, as the individuals foot is scanned at 500hz over the 4096 sensors when walking over the plate.

Due to the advanced technology of the RSscan Footscan, it provides the Clinician with indepth comprehensive statistical and graphical data demonstrating the exact movement patterns of each foot. This data can then be analysed and alongside the Clinicians Assessment a diagnosis and treatment plan can be implemented.

The RSscan Footscan therefore gives a greater understanding of why a person might be suffering from a numberof symptoms such as shin splints, planter fasciiatis, knee pain, hip pain, back pain and also why a person may have a different or compensated walking pattern.

The majority of complications observed using a RSscan Footscan in a Biomechanical Assessment can be treated with the use of Orthotics. Orthotics or insoles are inserts put into the individuals shoes and trainers which correct abnormal walking patterns, muscle imbalances, pain and stiffness up through the biomechanical chain.

At Align Clinics we offer carbon fibre latest technology orthotics which are custom made for each individuals feet. They are tailored and manufactured to suit the individuals biomechanical issues relating to pain and stiffness, to allow their movement to be more efficient and effective, to reduce recurrent injuries or to prevent injuries.

Orthotics can be used to treat a variety of
symptoms through the Biomechanical Chain,
the most common are:
Pain (Ankle / Knee / Hip / Back)
Stiffness (Ankle / Knee / Hip / Back)
Flat / Pronated Feet
Achillis tendonitis Planter
Fasciitis Shin Splints
Anterior Knee Pain
(Patello-Femoral symptoms)
Groin Strains
Ankle Joint Synovitis
Ligament injuries
Foot Deformities
General Leg Fatigue
Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome
Trapped Nerves
Sacro-Iliac Symptoms
Sciatica Sesamoiditis
Syndesmotic Injuries
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Post Tibial Tendon Disfunction
The Quintic System
Quintic is the Worlds leading video and biomechanical analysis software system. It is used for Olympic Athletes through to Professional Sports Clubs to Individual Sports enthusiasts by Clinical Specialists within this field. The Quintic system allows movement to be broken down to 300 frames per second (The human eye captures apporximately 12 frames per second), therefore intricate movements can be observed, corrected or enhanced.
The Quintic system analyses movement. At Align Clinics our Clinical Specialists use this advanced system for a number of reasons with a variety of different people. It can range from capturing a persons walking pattern diagnosing muscle imbalances, compensations or weaknesses, to analysing an athletes running pattern and optimising the movement to improve the effectiveness of muscles and therefore speed.

The Quintic System is used for a variety of sports such as Tennis, Golf, Rowing, Boxing and Cycling. Here, our Clinical Specialists work alongside the Sports Coach in breaking down and analysing each movement to make the movement more effective and efficient, thus providing a tool to increase a speed of a swing, allow further accuracy, understand reasons of fatigue and its effects on the individual and most importantly to reduce the risk of injury throughout the biomechanical chain.

Please use the form below to contact us.

Align Clinics Cardiff,

261 Heathwood Road,
CF14 4HS.

Align Clinics Bristol,

Walnut Grove,
Slade Road,
BS20 6BB.


0333 577 2323

07540 526316

Align Clinics Clinicians are registered with all of the major insurance company's

Contact Us

Align Clinics.
261 Heathwood Road,
CF14 4HS.
Tel: 0333 577 2323
Mob: 07540526316

UK Align Clinics Ltd
Company Number 13094074
Trading as Align Clinics
in Cardiff and Bristol
VAT number 406275116

Contact Us

Align Clinics.
261 Heathwood Road,
CF14 4HS.
Tel: 0333 577 2323
Mob: 07540526316


UK Align Clinics Ltd
Company Number 13094074
Trading as Align Clinics
in Cardiff and Bristol
VAT number 406275116

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